Metalogalva has bet heavily on telecommunications, with over two decades of experience in design and manufacture of towers of reticulated square base and triangular and tubular poles, specially designed to meet the demands of major national mobile network operators, seeing their experience in this area recognized by operators in Europe and Africa, which increasingly incorporate the towers “Metalogalva” in their projects.
The orientation to market needs has been a constant within the Metalogalva, thereby seeking to develop solutions tailored to the needs of their customers (operators and installers) and continuously adjusting its production capacity.
Eurocode 3: EN 1991-3-1:2005 – Design of steel structures: Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
For each model indicated the area available for installation of equipment, accessories, stands and cables. The area indicated was determined for each reference wind speed indicated in the table to a plot of roughness 2 (EN 1991-1-4:2005).
The towers were designed under the following European standards: Eurocode 1: EN 1991-1-4:2005 Actions on structures Part 1-4: Wind Actions